Congratulations, you’ve completed your juice cleanse. This is just the first step towards attaining a healthy lifestyle.
Here are some tips for a sustainable health journey after your cleanse.
Mental Well-being – Pick up a new self-care routine!
Being on a Juice Cleanse takes us out of our usual routine, not just by changing our diets, but also through making changes to our overall lifestyle. After your cleanse, it is important to continue to work on mindfulness and self-care.
A tip for most people would be to pick up a new self-care routine, such as daily reflections, meditating and even putting a mask on before you sleep at night. By doing so, it encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself.
Physical Fitness
Another tip for self-care is to work on your physical health. Many would feel that this is the most daunting – but working on your physical fitness does not just mean lifting weights or going for a hard run. There is always a good way to get some sweat in easily.
For a start, head out for a short walk daily and slowly progress from there! Walking after dinner is a great way to aid digestion too.
Fitness is a lifelong journey and the only way to make it a lifestyle is to not create pressure for yourself at the start! After your cleanse, try setting achievable health goals so you’ll keep up your healthy lifestyle.
Maintaining a Good Diet
You should allow yourself some time to reintroduce solid foods back into your diet, depending on how long your cleanse was. It’s best to plan your meals properly before ending your cleanse, and you should be including whole foods while avoiding unprocessed foods in your meals.
Try to achieve a nutritious diet for your daily meals so your body stays healthy.
Tips: Avoid overeating right after your cleanse, and keep portion sizes small. To keep your food easily digestible, chew properly before swallowing.
You can try adding these nutritious foods to your diet:
- Spirulina for vegetable protein and vitamins
- Coconut or Flaxseed for a healthy dose of Omega oils.
Having a Balanced Diet
Even when you’re not cleansing, you should commit to a balanced diet. Opt for natural, unprocessed food products without additives. Make sure to drink at least 2 litres of water every day.
Base your nutrition on leafy vegetables like spinach or parsley, as they play a part in stabilizing your blood sugar and increase blood oxygen levels. Feel free to eat fruits and nuts as a snack alongside your other meals.
Whole foods like brown rice, sweet potato and quinoa are great choices for carbohydrates.
Some good food alternatives are:
- Almond milk instead of regular milk
- Agave instead of regular sugar
- Himalayan Salt instead of table salt
- Saltwater fish instead of meat.
While it’s tempting to go on a binge after your cleanse, try to limit the number of “cheat days” you have each week. Stick to your healthy diet and you’ll be rewarded for your efforts. But remember, if you stumble, that’s okay. You can pick yourself back up and start again.Keep up a healthy lifestyle and diet and you’ll see the results of your cleansing and your efforts! If you’re looking for tips on how to maximise your cleanse, check out our cleanse guide by clicking the button below.